Flying V set to open flagship bio-fuels center in QC

Flying V, one of the more aggressive small oil players in the country, is set to open next week a flagship Bio-Fuels Center at the Philippine Coconut Authority (PCA) compound in Quezon City.

The center is part of Flying V’s effort to promote the use of alternative fuels, including coco-biodiesel and ethanol.

The Bio-Fuels Center includes a gasoline station and a multi-purpose building that will showcase year-round exhibits and regular presentations, seminars and demonstrations on bio-fuels for the benefit of the transport groups and the general motoring public.

The center shall dispense pre-blended coco-methyl ester (CME) or coco-biodiesel under the brand name Envirotek Bio-Diesel Premium. It will also dispense fuel ethanol (E-10) for gasoline-run vehicles. Smoke emission testing facilities shall also be available at the center.

"The construction of the Bio-Fuels Center, the first in the country, reflects Flying V’s pioneering and long-term commitment to support the government’s alternative fuels program. The Center will hopefully increase the public’s awareness of bio-fuels, particularly coco-biodiesel and its impact to the Filipinos’ way of life," Flying V chief operating officer Paul Tanjutco said.

The scheduled groundbreaking ceremonies followed the recent signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) between Flying V, the PCA and the PCA Employees Multi-Purpose Cooperative for the long-term lease of a portion of the PCA compound, fronting the Elliptical Circle, for the purpose of establishing a bio-fuels center.

"PCA and Flying V manifested their mutual willingness to collaborate in further promoting and attracting investments in the production and domestic utilization of pre-blended coco-biodiesel through the establishment of a bio-fuels center and a retail station," the MOU stated.

PCA administrator Jesus Emmanuel Paras welcomed Flying V’s efforts saying the center shall boost multi-sectoral efforts to promote and propagate the use of alternative fuels, particularly coco-biodiesel as the answer to the now critical problem of air pollution in the country.

Coco-biodiesel has been extensively tested by leading national and international testing agencies and conclusively proven to greatly reduce harmful smoke emission, increase fuel mileage and enhance engine performance.

Already being extensively used in the US and Europe, bio-diesel is endorsed by the Department of Energy (DOE), Department of Transportation and Communications and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID).

Flying V is the first and to date, the only oil company to dispense pre-blended coco-biodiesel directly from the pumps, having launched the product in August 2005.

Since the launch, there are now 42 Flying V stations nationwide offering the product.

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