GTEB sees post-quota marts for RP garments

The expiration of the garments quota system this year will open up new opportunities for Philippine brand garments, according to Garments and Textiles Export Board (GTEB) executive director Serafin Juliano.

Juliano disclosed that Philippine garments brands such Bench, Penshoppe, Bayo, Kamiseta, Folded & Hung have been wanting to penetrate the US market.

Unfortunately, because of the quota regime system, they were not able to do so because they did not have the necessary quota allocation to access the US market.

However, with the quota regime system set to expire this year, Philippine garments brands can now openly compete in the US market without any restriction.

Thus, Juliano said, while there are fears that a quota-free regime may initially have its downside for small garments-manufacturing countries, it also presents opportunities for Philippine companies which are willing to face competition head on.

Even the threat of China dominating the garments market, Juliano said, can be offset if measures such as safeguards and anti-dumping are effectively used.

There had been a move under the so-called Istanbul Declaration to extend the quota regime system, but the US has already thumbed down such an extension.

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