Ceramic tile makers seek extension of safeguard duty

The Ceramic Tile Manufacturers’ Association is asking the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI) to extend the validity of safeguard duties imposed on imported ceramic tiles in January 2002 and which is suppose to end next year.

A safeguard duty of P5.40 per kilogram (kg) was slapped on imported ceramic tiles beginning Jan. 9, 2002 up to January 2003.

The duty was reduced to P4.30 per kg for the second year beginning Jan. 10, 2003 up to Jan. 10, 2004.

The duty dropped to P3.50 per kg for the third year beginning Jan. 11, 2004 up to January 10, 2005.

According to the CTMA, the safeguard duty has effectively prevented serious injury to the local ceramic tile industry and has given local players the much needed respite from unfair competition.

However, the CTMA claims that it needs more time to complete the implementation of its adjustment plan.

The CTMA warned that "terminating the safeguard at this time would be premature."

The CTMA pleads that given additional time, it would be able to become competitive before facing the influx of cheap imported ceramic tiles. – Marianne Go

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