PNOC-EDC welcomes interested investors in five geothermal development projects

The PNOC-Energy Development Corp. (EDC) is willing to enter into farm-in agreements with interested investors in its existing five geothermal development projects.

The sites under the EDC’s geothermal service contract that could be offered to investors include: the 20-40 megawatt (MW) Manito-Kayabon sector under the Bacon-Manito project in Albay; 20-MW Mindanao optimization project in North Cotabato; 40-80 MW Tanawon-Rangas sector under Bacman project in Sorsogon; 60-110 MW Cabalian in Southern Leyte; and 40-80 MW Dauin in Negros Oriental.

The offering of the five EDC geothermal sites is consistent with the government’s effort to allow more private sector participation in the country’s power sector development.

Specifically, these sites are part of the first ever Geothermal Bidding Round set by the Department of Energy (DOE). The so-called Geothermal I will offer 10 areas for applications, either in the expansion/optimization of existing geothermal fields or in the exploration and development projects.

Apart from the five EDC-managed geothermal sites, the other sites that will be auctioned off under Geothermal I include: 20-40 MW Biliran; 20-40 MW Amacan in Compostela Valley; 40 MW Natib in Bataan; 20 MW Mabini in Batangas; and 20-40 MW Montelago in Mindoro Oriental.

Interested companies have five months up to July this year to evaluate the geothermal potential of the areas using selected data displayed in a physical data in DOE.

The Bacon-Manito Geothermal Production Field (BGPF) located in the Bicol Region is currently producing 110 MWe from its Palayang Bayan sector (BacMan-1), and 20 MWe each from its Cawayan and Botong sectors. The Manito-Kayabon sector is the northernmost cluster of resource blocks in BGPF. Stored heat calculations point to a total power potential of 51.2 MWe.

The Mindanao Geothermal Production Field (MGPF), on the other hand, is situated in the northwest part of Mt. Apo. Exploration and development activities were conducted from 1983 to 1995. The first of two 52-MWe power plant was put on-line in 1997. The second power plant followed suit in 1999. MGPF is divided into three sectors from southeast to northeast - Sandawa, Marbel and Matingao

Based on the reservoir model of the BGPF, Tanawon and Rangas sectors are considered still to be within the southern boundary of the BGPF main upflow region. Two deviated wells drilled in Tanawon, TW-1D and TW-2D in year 2000 yielded power potentials of 8.9 MWe and 3.4 MWe, respectively, for a total of 12.3 MWe already available in Tanawon sector.

Initial surface exploration studies were done in the Cabalian area from 1979-1980. Favorable results of these investigations lead to a detailed geoscientific investigation undertaken by PNOC-EDC in 1989. The first exploration well SL-1D was drilled in 1997 on the eastern flanks of Mt. Cabalian.

The Dauin geothermal prospect, meanwhile, is situated southeast of the Southern Negros Geothermal Production Field (SNGPF). Between 1973 and 1981, surface exploration surveys were conducted in Dauin. As a result of these studies, two exploration wells (DN-1 and DN-2) were drilled in 1982-83. Post drilling studies were done to further evaluate the viability of Dauin prospect. Based on all technical data, a geothermal convective system is postulated in Dauin area which is distinct from the brine system in Palinpinon./30

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