Gov’t urged to push business projects in conflict areas

The Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) has urged government to create a working committee on peace and development which would lead in identifying and spearheading projects that will improve business opportunities in conflict or war-torn areas.

At the close of the 29th Philippine Business Conference, the PCCI highlighted the fact that the peace and order situation remained crucial in the ability of the country to attract tourists and investors and achieve socio-economic growth and development.

The business sector noted that the insurgency in Mindanao and threats of terrorist activities from several bandit groups, such as the Abu Sayyaf and Jemaah Islamiya, continue to affect the image of the Philippines as a potential investment and tourism destination.

The PCCI pointed out that a lasting solution to the peace and order situation is the pursuit of socio-economic development which recognizes the cultural diversity in the country.

These developments should include the infrastructure, market access, skills training, education and livelihood opportunities for the marginalized Muslim and Christian communities.

The PCCI suggested that the working committee be comprised of representatives from both the private sector and government.

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