‘Insurance’ foundation

How and why foundations exist and operate is always an issue worth discussing. Take for example this famous foundation that seems to "misunderstand" how they should manage and handle donations and grants. Rumor from our spying has it has this foundation gives commissions to the external staff who solicits donations from the public. According to our ear-spies, some insiders are troubled because anywhere in the world, donations cannot be treated as a source of commissions since foundations are not based on profit but goodwill. Our ear-spies overheard that the external staff is already being paid with salaries and any extra effort on their part to boost donations should be treated as merits and should not be rewarded by commissions. Rumor has it that some of the staff left the foundation and went on to sell life insurance.
Lover And Loan Shark
Remember the item last week about a Congressman who was allegedly pursuing the wife of a businessman? Aside from the usual shower of "gifts" and "love tokens," the congressman allegedly gives loans to the wife of the businessman to boost her business and many things more, apparently, so the congressman could one day collect his ROI. According to our ear-spies at the Batasan Pambansa, the congressman recently sent word to the wife of the businessman and gave hints that he might need a public relations consultant. His reason? He’s been visible lately and "someone may just fire at me. You know, issues can be invented at will." Our ear-spies said the wife sidelines as a public relations consultant to augment her income, but from the looks of it, the congressman has "illicit relations" in mind. Rumor has it within the Session Hall that the husband is so pissed by this seemingly impertinent flirting of the congressman that the businessman might take the issue up to the highest authority in Congress.
The Secretary’s ‘Right Hand’ Woman
Who is this government official who allegedly poses as the "right hand" of a Cabinet member? According to our ear-spies, she is doing this to get contracts for her private firm. On one occasion, this government official allegedly convinced the Secretary of the Department to shell out P4 million for an event, which is not even an international event. It was discovered by our ear-spies that last year, the former Secretary of this department didn’t approve of the P2-million events management proposal of this official’s private firm. However, she was so convincing that before the new Secretary of the department came in, she was able to talk to the former Secretary and another high ranking official to prepare a check for P4 million for the event she conducted last year and this year. Those who are privy to the transaction said she is seriously taking the Biblical mandate that the left arm should not know what the right hand is actually doing.
Southern Playboy
Our ear-spies overheard that a Congressman from the South is so used to going around and sleeping out with other women, he cannot go through a week without a "playmate" to play with. He’s basically the typical playboy and man around town who picks up a woman, spends a rambunctious night with her, wakes up and goes home. The routine became so commonplace that when he woke up one day and said it’s time for him to go home, he didn’t realize he was already beside his wife! His wife, famous for being a very accomplished woman, eventually left him because of this. Apparently, his wife had more presence of mind than he did.
Danding And The Lion’s Den
Majority of San Miguel employees do not want SMC Chairman Danding Cojuangco to run for president in 2004 because revenues have gone up so well ever since he took over. According to an informal survey conducted by our ear-spy social monitor inside San Miguel Corp., more than half of the employees would like Danding Cojuangco to stay as Chairman because most of them consider him as the "good luck charm" of the company. Our ear-spies overheard a middle level executive saying they will do every possible means to prevent him from leaving. "We are selfish we don’t want to share him. Beside why should he sacrifice and go to the lions den and run for president where he won’t be appreciated anyway."
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