Battered Kris

It seems, the Jose Pidal case is forced to take a "backseat" for the more juicy love story of Joey Marquez-Kris Aquino, which ended traumatically for Kris at the Philippine National Police Headquarters in Camp Crame. Anyway, according to our ear-spies, someone very close to Kris Aquino revealed the former Presidential daughter was slapped by the Mayor of Parañaque a few months back, but she chose to keep it to herself. Obviously, this time, Kris made sure it would never happen again. According to our ear-spies, Alma Moreno is now laughing because supposedly she too was a battered wife, and this incident proved her claims to be right all along. Anyway, most Parañaque residents are now worried, not because their mayor is in hot water, but because Alma Moreno might use this issue to grab the mayor’s post. According to our ear-spies, this drop-dead-beautiful actress-turned-politician is known in the city as having a brother that allegedly "terrorizes" anyone in Parañaque who opposes them. Could the mayor’s career end with the help of the guys at the NAIA?
‘Bank Run’
This bank’s "Early Retirement Plan" to its employees allegedly turned out to be a booby trap to more than a hundred applicants who were disapproved. According to word picked up by our ear-spies, after several months of waiting for management’s decision on their ERP application, it turned out that only those who have been employed at least 20 years are qualified to receive a retirement fund of 120-percent multiplied by the monthly salary multiplied by the number of years of service. Oh yes, this bank’s retirement package is "noncompetitive" as far as the banking industry is concerned. Worse, applicants who did not meet the qualifications were said to have been forced back to work. Alas, even an employee who has been with this bank for the past 15 years was nevertheless turned down. According to our ear-spies, the bank’s management used cost-cutting measures as their excuse for making such a drastic move. But the question is: Why are newly hired employees being offered a monthly salary that is equivalent to the retirement benefit of an employee who has served in the bank for 15 years? Here is a bank that’s giving the term "bank run" a whole new meaning.
The Manila Yuck! Club
According to our spyring archives, it was former Manila Mayor Antonio Villegas who allegedly diverted the huge sewer pipe right beside the Manila Yacht Club as his way of getting back at this prestigious organization for not giving him the title of honorary member. In the early 70s, Villegas’ honorary for membership in the Yacht Club was turned down, and as a result, he allegedly used his power and authority as mayor of Manila to divert the huge sewage pipe from the Manila Hospital and place it right under the very nose of the Manila Yacht Club. According to our ear-spies, many members of the club would rather stay home or go elsewhere than attend their club meetings and visit their multimillion-peso yachts because of the stench and filth that oozes from within and around the club premises. Someone in government should really do something about this because there are reports today that the awful stench has already reached the embassy of the "Superpower" and it might upset the sensitivities of the Very Important Guest who is scheduled to arrive on Oct. 18.
Posing For The Presidentiable
Who is this estranged wife of a well-known businessman (that used to run a huge conglomerate) that has become the love-object of a 2004 presidentiable? Rumor has it that she was the reason why this businessman, who used to occupy a very high tourism post during a past administration, went broke and eventually resigned from his government position. When the wife saw her husband "fall from the sky," she sniffed around for the next best thing, and as expected, she allegedly shacked up with this presidentiable. According to our ear-spies, she has since returned to the United States where she’s taking care of their love-child while supposedly fronting for the presidentiable’s foreign bank accounts.
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