Actually, he just never woke up from a nights sleep after his usual workout at the gym the day before. To cool down, he even borrowed some video tapes to watch at home before calling it a night.
Among natural doctors or herbolaryos, Ed Roxas death would have been bangungot. Western-trained doctors would have traced it to some failure in the pancreas.
On the one hand, this must be one way for HRD to save on cost. After all, the security guard isnt even a bank employee and, therefore, does not receive the pay of the lowest-paid bank employee.
On the other hand, such discourtesy isnt really necessary, if only because these applicants many of whom come from well-off-families may decide to do their present and future banking elsewhere.
Imagine if the arrogance of these security guards hired by this bank also extends to the opening of other confidential documents, this time involving sensitive financial transactions!
After all, thats what Land Bank of the Philippines did when it teamed up with Andrew Tans Megaworld Corp. to develop its property near the US Embassy in Manila.
In the case of SSS, Cora de la Paz is dealing with a United Kingdom-based company called EC Harris only because these guys approached her and, well, because no local company gave her a similar unsolicited BOT offer.
SSS intends to turn its current head office into a hospital for members, a business Ms. De la Paz and her senior management team dont have any working experience.
Then again, Ms. de la Paz, who has done her share of managing businesses as former head of PriceWaterhouseCoopers/J. Cunanan and as rehabilitation or liquidation head for companies in trouble with the Securities and Exchange Commission, believes that managing from the top is pretty much the same, whatever the industry.
Argee Guevarra is concentrating all his guns on the Arriola family, whose Five Vision Consultancy, Inc. and three allied companies have been issued cease-and-desist orders by the SEC.