Aviation stakeholders hail GMA move on Piatco deal

Aviation industry stakeholders hailed yesterday the decision of President Arroyo declaring null and void the government’s five supplementary contracts with the Philippine International Air Terminals Co., Inc. (Piatco), operator of the Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) Terminal 3.

The Scrap the Piatco Deal Coalition (Scrap), which is made up of labor, non-governmental, union and civic groups opposed to the Piatco deal, said, "the President has exercised good governance in nullifying these supplements as her move protected the interests of the Filipino people and country."

"The decision of the President is a victory for the Filipino people. It finally removed a heavy burden from the shoulder of the nation," Scrap said.

It stressed that what Malacañang did was just to correct the many violations that attended the Piatco contract from the very start. "We are glad President Macapagal-Arroyo restored decency in government and fulfilled her promise to build a strong Republic by going after violators," Romy Sauler, Scrap spokesman, said in response to the President’s call to prosecute those found culpable in connection with the contract.

"From the time of then President Ramos to former President Estrada to the present administration, the contract was attended by stark violations of the constitution, and several laws, particularly the Build-Operate-Transfer (BOT) law," Sauler said.

He added that the President’s action will send a strong signal to would-be grafters that under her administration graft and corruption will not be tolerated.

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