This means that imports of trucks weighing six tons and above and buses 12 tons and above will be liberalized, but those below six tons will be banned.
TMAP chairman Frank Nacua said yesterday that lowering the weight limit to 4.5 tons would already encroach on Category 2 vehicles which would include pick-ups, passengers vans and Asian utility vehicles.
"The initial negotiations started at 18 tons and eventually went down to six," Nacua said.
Meanwhile, Acting Trade and Industry Secretary Adrian S. Cristobal Jr. said that the government is regulating the imports of vehicles with a gross weight of below six tons to 4.5 tons.
"The government never committed to a total ban," he said.
He added the government is committed to support a viable local automotive industry, hence the total ban on the importation of vehicles with a gross weight below 4.5 tons.
"The problem with the TMAP is that they are speculating when the government has not yet come out with the final Executive Order on used vehicle imports," Cristobal said.