Indian firm forges supply tie-up with Tryco Pharma

India’s Century Pharmaceuticals Ltd. (animal health division) has forged a supply agreement with Tryco Pharmaceutical Co. based in San Rafael, Bulacan for the production of cheap but quality veterinary pharmaceutical products in the Philippines.

Century managing director Janak Sheth accepted the invitation of Tryco president Wilfredo Rivera Sr. to join the 2nd Livestock Forum of the Philippine Agricultural Journalists last Thursday, where he also explained how safe Indian buffalo meat is for humans.

Sheth said Century will supply the raw materials needed for Tryco in making its formulations for hepatitis vaccine, increase lactation among lactating female animals, and an animal antioxidant to prevent diseases and for better quality of life for the animals.

Sheth told The STAR that his company is able to produce these veterinary products at a low cost and sell them to Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, South America and by August this year to the United States.

"Instead of selling my company’s products in finished form in the Philippine market, Mr. Rivera and I agreed that my company will supply the raw materials that Tryco needs in coming up with its own formulation that is suitable to the local livestock conditions," Sheth said.

Century produces an animal feed suplement with calcuim, phosphorous, vitamin D3 and B12 in bolus form called DPCAL-B12 Bolus which improves milk yield, helps in the formation of strong bones in growing animals, ideal for pregrant animals, useful after deworming and prevents rickets and osteoporosis for large and small animals. It is also good for poultry by improving its hatchability, ensuring better growth, better egg shell and better production.

It also has Galactomax, a non hormonal, herbal lactogenic that has no side effects, not habit forming, easy to administer, stimulates lactiferous tissues for better milk production and maintains lactation even after the withdrawal of the drug.

Sheth, said if Galactomax will cost a farmer P100, the milk produced by lactating animals costs around P1,200 so in the end the cost of the medicine has been more than recovered from the improved milk output.

Century also has an antioxidant and hepatitis vaccine for birds that is herbal, fights against stress, improves liver cell production and increases bio resistence in animals.

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