Search for 5th Aurelio Periquet Jr. Business Leadership Awards on

Five years ago a unique search for business leaders, who are not just successful businessmen, but who are also dedicated Filipinos who sincerely want to contribute to the good of their country – was launched.

Called the Aurelio Periquet Jr. Business Leadership Awards (APJ-BLA), the search was inspired by a remarkable man who himself had blazed the trail for the Filipino businessman to be respected not just in his own country, but in international circles. Aurelio Periquet Jr. served as president of the Philippine Chamber of Commerce and Industry (PCCI) for an unparallled five consecutive terms.

Organized by the Aurelio Periquet Jr. Foundation and Manila Jaycees Inc., in cooperation with the PCCI and Metrobank Foundation, the search covers Filipino businessmen who have placed the dimension of service and national development into the equation of business achievement.

From the time the wards were instituted in 1998, eight APJ-BLA awardees have been recognized for their business acumen and their civic mindedness.

Every year, one senior business leader (Pillar awardee) and one junior business achiever (Pearl awardee) are chosen in a five-month search.

The APJ-BLA 2002 search was launched last May. As in the past, one Pillar awardee and one Pearl awardee will be chosen from this year’s nominees. The board of judges will select a Filipino male or female actively involved in a Philippine-based profit organization and who has shown outstanding business leadership but never compromised the integrity and principles of the business organization.

The APJ-BLA Pillar award will go to the more senior awardee aged 36 years and above while the Pearl award will go to a young business leader aged 35 years and below.

The search committee is now accepting nominations for the 2002 Aurelio Periquet Jr. Business Leadership Awards. Nominations may be submitted by any individual, institution, association or organization through official nomination forms, which may be obtained from the APJ Foundation secretariat, and the Manila Jaycees clubhouse. Deadline for submission of nominations is on Aug. 15.

For inquiries, call 810-9652/894-4774/525-2631/5256792.

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