Napocor employees slam Alcordo

The officers and employees of the National Power Corp. and the National Transmission Corp. (Transco) have declared their president on leave Jesus Alcordo as persona non grata for having issued irresponsible and negative statements against the state-owned power firm.

In a joint resolution, the Napocor Employees’ and Workers’s Union (NEWU), Napocor Employees’ Consolidated Union (NECU), and Executives’ Association Inc. (EXAI), the three organizations representing the rank-and-file, mid-level employees and executives of Napocor lambasted Alcordo’s negative remarks on print and television media "giving the negative impression that Napocor employees are scalawags."

Apparently, Alcordo’s remarks are made in an attempt to hide his own shortcomings as president of Napocor and put the blame on the present leadership of Napocor and Transco, they claimed.

Alcordo has a pending case with the Office of the Ombudsman in relation to the Binga Hydro project and has adverted this case to his having stepped on many toes, in effect saying, that Napocor officers and employees disgruntled in his leadership have been initiating the attacks against him. "His witch hunting attack against Napocor OIC-president Roland S. Quilala and Transco president Asisclo Gonzaga, is a desperate attempt to have his Ombudsman case withdrawn," the resolution added.

The three organizations also chided Alcordo’s claim that 50 percent of the present employees of Napocor shall be terminated and thus have axes to grind against him. This, according to the unions, is very irresponsible and aims only to create confusion and anxiety among employees.

In the same resolution, the unions also deplored "Mr. Alcordo’s relationship with Napocor, in his negotiations with Meralco" as "he lacked objectivity owing to his conflict of interest for having been been the founder of East Asia Power Corp. which owns 40 percent of Duracom Mobile Power that has a power supply agreement with Meralco thereby prejudicing Napocor."

Alcordo has also displayed unfounded, reckless and malicious actions regarding the Caliraya-Botocan-Kalayaan (CBK) power plants, the most strategic project of the Luzon Grid, putting it at the verge of collapse to the detriment of public welfare.

"It is obvious that Mr. Alcordo is trying to please other persons who have hidden interest to further his own interest at the expense of career officials and employees of Napocor and Transco . . . all his actions and insinuations taken together show total lack of concern for Napocor and Transco and all its employees," the resolution stated.

The resolution was signed by NEWU president Armando S.J. Javier, NECU president Abner P. Eleria, and EXAI president Edmund Anguluan.

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