US firms eye RP as mfg hub for luxury vehicles

The Philippines is being eyed by several US car companies as a possible hub for the assembly of luxury vehicles to meet the increasing demand from the Asian market.

Such a possibility was recently raised by Ford Motor Co., which said that while the Philippine luxury car market is insignificant, the Philippines would still be an ideal manufacturing hub for luxury vehicles.

Ford Motor Philippines Inc., in fact, already has an approved ASEAN Industrial Cooperation (AICO) program with Thailand, where Ford Philippines will manufacture its Lynx model for export to other ASEAN-member countries, while Thailand in turn, will export to the Philippines and other ASEAN countries the Ford Ranger pick-up model.

Ford said Thailand has indicated interest in becoming the manufacturing hub for American luxury cars.

The Thai government is actively pursuing US firms…From Page 25

US car companies to invest heavily in Thailand by dangling sweeteners and other government incentives.

The powerful Automotive Trade Policy Council (ATPC), whose members include Ford, Daimler-Chrysler and General Motors, is visiting the country for possible exploratory talks.

Reports said the ATPC mission is interested to know more about the revisions that the government is planning for the Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP).

Earlier, the Board of Investments (BOI) announced plans to revise key components of the MVDP with regard to semi-knocked down (SKD) and completely knocked down (CKD) policy, tax and tariff policy.

The ATPC also reportedly wants the government to issue a clear-cut policy on the importation of used cars.

US car companies to invest heavily in Thailand by dangling sweeteners and other government incentives.

The powerful Automotive Trade Policy Council (ATPC), whose members include Ford, Daimler-Chrysler and General Motors, is visiting the country for possible exploratory talks.

Reports said the ATPC mission is interested to know more about the revisions that the government is planning for the Motor Vehicle Development Program (MVDP).

Earlier, the Board of Investments (BOI) announced plans to revise key components of the MVDP with regard to semi-knocked down (SKD) and completely knocked down (CKD) policy, tax and tariff policy.

The ATPC also reportedly wants the government to issue a clear-cut policy on the importation of used cars.

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