GI sheet makers seek more liberal standards

Nine local galvanized sheet makers have asked the government to adopt more liberal standards without necessarily compromising quality.

In a letter to Bureau of Product Standard director Jesus Motoomull, the GI-sheet makers stressed that the Philippines’ commitment to the World Trade Organization and to the General Agreement on Tariff and Trade mandates the adoption of a more liberal standard if they are to cushion the impact of liberalization.

In their letter, the GI-sheet makers proposed the rationalization of Standards for zinc-coated steel sheets, specifically the adoption of 0.30 mm and 0.50 mm as standard thickness for GI-sheets in addition to the existing standards of 0.20 mm, 0.40 mm and 0.6 mm.

The group noted that Philippine National Standard 67, which only allows the production of the last three thickness standards, has been rendered outdated with the influx of imported materials carrying the 0.30 and 0.50 mm standards.

"There is already a widespread use of these thickness in the market owning to the proliferation of imports…this indicates market acceptance of these sizes," the group said.

Inspite of the growing market demand, the group says they are at the losing end in the competition since they are not allowed to produce the 0.30 mm and 0.50 mm thickness standard under the present set-up.

Easing the requirement, they say, "would give the consumer more flexibility and preference to choose for his needs and requirements" while at the same time leveling the playing field.

They also noted that "based on consultations" with players in the industry, "0.30 mm appeared to be the preferred size for low-cost housing considering all factors like safety, strength, service life, cost etc."

The group also asked that government adopt the International Standard Organization (ISO) 3575 standard for zinc-coated sheets which only mandates 100 grams of zinc-coating per square meter as against the PNS 67’s requirement of 215 grams per square meter.

They say it is beyond logic why the Bureau of Product Standard continues to insist observing PNS 67 on zinc-coated sheets when the international standard is much lower.

"Other coated products in the market such as aluminum zinc are currently under ISO 9364 and ISO 1478 standard respectively and (zinc-coated sheets) would likewise be aligned to ISO 3575," the group noted.

This, they added, "would ensure fairness in the implementation of the standards."

The signatories are Luzvimin Industrial Marketing Corp., Union Galvasteel Corp., Sonic Steel Industries Inc., Tower Steel Corp., Malayan Steel Industries Inc., Group Steel Corp., Sugarsteel Corp., Richardson Steel Corp. and Osaka Steel Manufacturing Corp.

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