Solon backs aviation workers on government-Piatco deal

Senate Minority Leader Aquilino Pimentel has taken the cudgels for the affected aviation industry workers who stand to lose their jobs because of the government-PIATCO (Philippine International Air Terminal Co., Inc.) deal for the construction of a new international airport terminal in Pasay City.

"Our office is helping these workers to make sure that even if the contract is implemented, they are protected," Pimentel said, in the presence of aviation workers during a recent forum at the Sulo Hotel.

Pimentel disclosed that he has even talked to Transportation and Communications Secretary Pantaleon Alvarez and asked him to address the workers’ concerns.

He has warned Alvarez that he will have a hard time at the Commission on Appointments (CA) where his nomination is being considered if he does not act on the workers’ complaints.

The senator said he got the assurance of Alvarez that he will protect the workers.

During the same forum, Ed Oredina, one of the leaders of the aviation workers, said being a public servant and one who will implement the contract, Alvarez should have suspended the implementation of the government-PIATCO contract pending the resolution of these issue.

Alvarez himself has admitted in a dialogue with aviation workers the existence of onerous provisions in the contract, including the monopoly of all ground handling services in the new terminal by the PIATCO and its affiliate, the Philippine Airport and Ground Services, Inc. (PAGS).

This monopoly by PIATCO and PAGS will result in the retrenchment of more than 10,000 airport workers currently employed by various service providers in the NAIA Terminals 1 and 2.

Oredina said they would continue with their protest actions to oppose Alvarez’s nomination unless he stops the implementation of the contract.

He said Alvarez is washing his hands off the issue by pointing to a committee created by President Arroyo as the one which will be tackling the concerns of aviation workers. The committee is chaired by Gloria Tan-Climaco, former chairman of SGV&Co.

The workers also strongly denied that their dialogue with Alvarez last Wednesday was already a "settlement" regarding the government-PIATCO deal. "Such significant issue as the PIATCO deal cannot be solved in one meeting. The task of securing the jobs of the more than 10,000 workers threatened by the PIATCO deal is formidable," they said.

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