Cable row settlement looms

A senior representative of Home & Sky met with ESPN-Star Sports and a Star official last week in Hong Kong to seek a resolution of the dispute between the two groups.

Repayment of Sky & Home‘s outstanding debts to Star of P180 million and new long-term carriage deal were both discussed.

"Star is cautiously optimistic of a breakthrough," Charles Pollard, Star regional director said in a statement faxed to the Philippine STAR. "We are increasingly hopeful that common sense is prevailing and that Star channels will be seen again on Sky, Home and PCC very soon," Pollard said.

Skyvision and Home senior executives in Manila are considering Star’s proposals for a deal.

As a precondition to the new supply deal, Skyvision and Home would agree to pay the P180 million they owe Star, but over an extended period, Pollard said.

"Reaching an understanding on when they will pay us our outstanding fees opens the way for a new supply deal to be thrashed out," he added. "That new supply deal will see Star Movies, Star World, ESPN, Star Sports and National Geographic carried on all the Sky Cable, Home Cable and Pilipino Cable systems."

Sky Cable and PCC did not previously carry Star Movies or Star World.

Pollard said: "There has been some real progress of late. I think Skyvision and Home are under great presssure from the Philippine regulators to explain why they are raising prices while dropping channels."

"Moreover, their claims that Star was trying to almost double its prices, and gave them no warning of the cut-off have been proven to be quite false."

"In fact, under Star’s offer they would pay us only 80 percent of the fees what they paid under the previous contract.

"Star has lowered its rates to offset the devaluation of the peso over the last 18 months."

"We are truly very sorry that our viewers continue to be deprived the opportunity to watch the Star channels for which they have paid their subscription fee."

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