Talisay SP commends dive group

CEBU, Philippines - Talisay City Councilor Danilo F. Caballero will commend the seven members of the City of Talisay Aquanauts for turning over last June 12 a beached fish to the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (BFAR)-7. 

In a proposed resolution, Caballero sponsored a resolution expressing his heartfelt appreciation and admiration for the seven members of the City of Talisay Aquanauts for responding to the incident. 

The seven men are Jessie Campo, Paul Tabilon, Julieto Cañizares, Jingson Sabal, Francisco Alcontin, Ernesto Royo Jr., and Michael Bustillo, who tried to revive the Sun Fish before it died. 

The fish measured two meters long and weighed, more or less, 100 kilos. (FREEMAN)

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