Bisaya Horoscope (Setyembre 17, 2024)

ARIES: (Mar. 21-Abr. 19) — Madawat ang good news sa loan application. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 23, 36, 40, 48 ug caramel brown.

TAURUS: (Abr. 20-May. 20) — Dunay kapakyasan sa imong job interest . Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 20, 27, 31, 43 ug blue.

GEMINI: (May.21-Hun. 21) — Dunay  kausaban  sa social plans. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 18, 25, 39, 43 ug violet.

CANCER: (Hun. 22-Hul. 22) — Inspired ka sa imong work. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 16, 13, 29, 41 ug apricot orange

LEO: (Hul. 23-Ago. 22) — Priority karon ang negosyo. Lucky numbers ug color for the day ; 21, 26, 38, 41 ug dove white.

VIRGO: (Ago. 23-Set.23) —  Madawat nimo ang good news nga resulta sa investment  Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 18, 30, 36, 47 ug jade green.

LIBRA: (Set. 24-Okt. 23) — Maglikay sa misunderstanding. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 17, 13, 34, 54 ug scarlet red.

SCORPIO: (Okt. 24-Nob. 22) —Makatabang sa imong career ang social connection. Lucky numbers ug color for the day;13, 27, 36, 50 ug vanilla brown.

SAGITTARIUS: (Nob. 23-Dis. 21) — Wonderful news ang imong money matters . Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 12, 42, 53, 34 ug hot pink .

CAPRICORN: (Dis. 22-Ene. 19) — Dunay surprise romantic development . Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 19, 53, 44, 48 ug mango orange.

AQUARIUS: (Ene. 20-Peb. 18) — Kinahanglan og extra details sa imong buhaton. Lucky numbers ug color for the day ;32, 53, 15, 42 ug butter.

PISCES: (Peb. 19-Mar. 20) —  Dunay moabot nga opportunities. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 32, 30, 53, 45 ug magenta red.

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