Bisaya Horoscope (Setyembre 12, 2024)

ARIES: (Mar. 21-Abr. 19) — Ang good timing sa pagsulti kay maghatag og  happy results. Lucky numbers ug color for the day ;28, 22, 13, 32 ug olive green.

TAURUS: (Abr. 20-May. 20) — Appreciated ang imong originality karon .Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 29, 20, 33, 50 ug fuschia pink.

GEMINI: (May.21-Hun. 21) — Wonderful day karon sa social events .Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 1 5, 22, 28, 37 ug amethyst violet.

CANCER: (Hun. 22-Hul. 22) — Dunay income increase sa secret deals. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 18, 28, 33, 46 ug mango orange.

LEO: (Hul. 23-Ago. 22) — Ang kakulang sa  communication kay magpugong sa progress. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 14, 30, 23, 52 ug satin.

VIRGO: (Ago. 23-Set.23) — Duna kay tubagon sa email. Lucky numbers ug color for the day ;24, 42, 20, 54 ug blue.

LIBRA: (Set. 24-Okt. 23) — Excellent ang imong mind power. . Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 13, 26, 30, 21 ug crimson red.

SCORPIO: (Okt. 24-Nob. 22) — Dunay opportunities  nga ma-involve sa charitable activity. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 24, 36, 47, 40 ug royal purple.

SAGITTARIUS: (Nob. 23-Dis. 21) — Ang imong surprise expenses ang maghatag og opportunity. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 16, 38, 44, 24 ug tulip pink.

CAPRICORN: (Dis. 22-Ene. 19) — Ayaw hatagi og atensyon ang tsismis. Lucky numbers ug color for the day; 24, 26, 42, 55 ug dollar green.

AQUARIUS: (Ene. 20-Peb. 18) — Ang imong social connection ang mohatag og success . Lucky numbers ug color for the day ;40, 48, 54, 57 ug topaz yellow.

PISCES: (Peb. 19-Mar. 20) —Successful ang imong social event.  Lucky numbers ug color for the daym; 50, 55, 33, 39 ug scarlet red.

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