A very sad day for our country
It was not at all surprising to learn about the 9-5 decision of the Supreme Court. Eight of the nine who voted to allow the dictator to desecrate the special place meant only for genuine heroes were appointees of a former corrupt president.
Their decision, a clear confirmation of their loyalty not for this nation or for the Filipino people, still dealt its painful, humiliating blow upon our country. How could they have ignored the historical truth that this dictator forged his way towards war medals, killed 3,240, tortured 34, 000, imprisoned 70,000, was responsible for the disappearance of those who opposed him, and looted at least PP167.636 billion that rightly belonged to the Filipino people? How could they say their decision will bring closure to the families of victims of this dictator they just converted into a hero?
The SC justices certainly showed their real color and their deference to a master who could at any time become the next dictator, if emergency powers are granted to him or if he so decides. DU30 reveres the former dictator. DU30 also acknowledged his debt for the election funds generously provided by this dictator's daughter. The dictator's family wealth and the power grabbed from the Filipino people by the dictator, sadly now legitimated by the dictator's fan who happens to be the present leader of this country. Such loyalty to a dictator and the dictator's son, and to the dictator's rich daughter versus no sensitivity at all to thousands of victims and thousands more of grieving families of the victims- is this justice? Is this closure?
Time to move on, the justices, DU30, and the dictator's family tell us all. How can one move on in the midst of this mockery of justice and in the midst of historical amnesia that literally obliterates the truth about the dictator and forgets the reality of those killed, abused, tortured, cheated from? How can one move on in the midst of a privileged few with their selective memory that honors a killer and abuser as hero and tramples upon the rights to justice and truth of those victimized?
Rather than move on, let the dictator's children return the plundered wealth and treasures of the conjugal dictators. Let the dictator's family say move on directly to all the families of the thousands of victims of the dictator. Let the dictator's family apologize to the millions of poor deprived of their decent lives because of the huge amount of funds and resources stolen by the corrupt and abusive dictator. Let the dictator's family move on beyond their illusion of glory and fame and kneel before their real masters: the Filipino people.
May the spirits of the victims haunt those who, overnight, converted a thief, a plunderer, and a dictator into a hero. May their spirits, as well as the spirit of truth and justice, haunt DU30.
May the 9 justices and their descendants be haunted by the victims of genuine history. We wonder what history and truth the 9 justices will speak about to their children's children?
November 8 will be remembered as a sad day of mourning for the mockery of truth and justice in our country. While we may have lost this round for our quest for historical truth, genuine justice, and closure for all the victims of dictatorship and deceit, our consoling strength is the knowledge that we have been in this dark situation in our historic past before. The dictator tried to silence and paralyze us for years, yet, with God's power and Mama Mary's intercession, people power prevailed.
We will certainly move on, prayerfully united, to fight any more dictatorship, any attempt to mock justice and truth. We will overcome!
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