Why I will not run for senator

I believe there’s nothing clearer than that to address the issue when I was named as one of the candidates of the PDP-Laban slate this coming 2019 elections. However, and albeit unsurprisingly, rumor mongers are still keen in making fun of what for them seems to be the most awful news ever. So let me state it once again: I WILL NOT RUN FOR SENATOR.
My reasons are simple.
1. I HATE POLITICS. It’s a common saying that in politics, there are no permanent friends, nor are there permanent enemies. Your closest friend, your party mate, or even your most loyal ally today may be your worst enemy tomorrow – and that’s just not for me.
2. I SHUN TRAPOS (Traditional Politicians). President Duterte always refers to himself as a government employee, and with what he is doing every day, i.e. serving the Filipino populace based on his mandated duties as president, I couldn’t ask for anything more. He does not see himself as higher than anyone else, and that’s exactly what I like about him. On the other hand, the previous administration kept posing themselves with the slogan “kayo ang boss ko,” but in reality, they only made sure that they have good points with the media so that they are able to maintain a good image to the public. So trapo, don’t you agree? And that makes me cringe.
I am never a fan of how traditional politicians mix their personal interests in their “fight” for the people. They criticize the government over and over again on issues they should take part in resolving. Did it ever cross their minds that for each time they fill a seat in public office they become part of that same government too? That it becomes their obligation to achieve the same goals the government strives to reach, and not to plainly serve their own selves?
3. IT’S JUST 2017. This isn’t the time to announce any plan to run for office, unless you are committing suicide by giving your enemies to run some sort of black propaganda against you. A case in point was when I was supposedly announced by Speaker Alvarez as one of the senatorial candidates of the PDP-Laban party. I trended on Twitter that day and I was attacked non-stop by bashers who shared the same tone and voice every time the topic is about me: CONDESCENDING. I don’t deserve any of that, and I’m not having any of that.
4. I WILL ONLY RUN IF PRESIDENT DUTERTE TELLS ME TO RUN. My loyalty is to the President when it comes to the government. I am not a politician, so when it comes to politics, I only trust his judgment. I know how hard he works for the Filipinos and if he deems it necessary to have me serve the people as a Senator, then I will follow his direction. The truth is, the President needs more allies in the Senate to further help him achieve his aspirations for a better Philippines.
Just look at how slow the process is when it comes to laws that the President needs. Whatever happened to the death penalty? Or the Department of Transportation’s request for emergency powers to be given to the President? These proposed laws could have been passed and promulgated already had they been endorsed swiftly by the Senate, the part of the house where the President is unpopular. So yes, I will only run if the President asks me to do so, to help hasten the progress of building a better future for the Filipinos.
5. I PREFER MY PRIVATE LIFE. Here’s a piece of the truth that’s not known to everyone: I don’t want to get involved in politics – not anymore. I want to go back to my private life where it’s more peaceful and much quieter. But I am still here because I want to see the end of this fight. Not just me, but everyone else who believes and supports the President. We want to see the promises of President Duterte come to fruition, and we want to help achieve these, and protect these from politicians who seek to destroy these aspirations for their selfish, personal ambitions.
6. I DON’T WANT TO CAMPAIGN FOR MYSELF. In this country, politicians boast no less than their personal accomplishments during election campaigns. But rather than campaigning for better legislation or more tangible services for the public, they enumerate their own so-called achievements, in such a way that people should thank them for what they’ve done. Even if it’s the people’s money they are spending, even if it’s the people’s mandate that’s the very reason they were able to do what they’ve done. Their faces are on the labels of relief goods, their names engraved on government projects to ensure long-term recall. I simply hate that, and I don’t want to do that. I just can’t see myself doing the same thing.
So no, I am not, and I will not, run for senator.
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